Prizm Content Connect
This topic contains the following sections:

Starting the Prizm Proxy Server

Method 1: Starting from the Windows Services

On Windows, Prizm Proxy Server service should ideally be started/stopped from the Windows service management console. As part of the Prizm Content Connect installation the service should be configured to start automatically. If you need to start, stop or restart, use the following instructions:

  1. Log onto the system using an account with administrator privileges.
  2. Click Start > Run.
  3. Type services.msc.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Find Prizm in the list of services, right-click on the service to access the right-click menu.
  6. To Start the Service: Click Start and wait for the service to start. The status should update to "started" (this option will only be available if the service is not running).
  7. To Stop the Service: Click Stop in the right-click menu and wait for the service control dialog. The status will be updated to be blank (this option will only be available if the service is already started).
  8. To Restart the Service: Click Restart and wait for the service control dialog. (This option will only be available if the service is already started.)

If access to the control panel is not available, services can also be started\stopped from the command line using the following commands:

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net start Convert2SWFSvc

net stop Convert2SWFSvc

Logs are created in <prizm-install>\logs directory.

Method 2: Starting as a Service Manually

The jrunner executable utility is provided for the installation and set up of Prizm Proxy Server services.

The jrunner executable requires as arguments. The utility is located in <prizm-install>\bin directory. contain the Prizm Proxy Service Java Runtime Environment (JRE) information and is located in <prizm-install>\conf.

jrunner Usage
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  jrunner <command> <configuration file> [configuration properties] [...]
  jrunner <configuration file> [configuration properties] [...]
     (<command> implicitly '-c')
  jrunner <command>
     (<configuration file> implicitly '')
     (<command> implicitly '-c' and <configuration file> '')
where <command> can be one of:
  -c  --console  run as a Console application
  -t  --start   start Windows service
  -a  --pause   pause started Windows service
  -e  --resume  resume paused Windows service
  -p  --stop    stop running Windows service
  -i  --install  Install as Windows service
  -r  --remove  Remove Windows service
  -q  --query   Query the current status of the service
  -qs --querysilent  Silently Query the current status of the service
  -v  --version  print the jrunner version information
  -?  --help    print this help message

<configuration file> is the to use. Name must be absolute or relative to the location of jrunner executable.

[configuration properties] are configuration name-value pairs which override values in For example: jrunner.debug=true

Method 3: Starting with Provided Utility Scripts

To set up the service manually or to start the service manually you can use the included scripts to start, stop, or install and uninstall the services. These utilities reside in <prizm-install>\scripts.

Before you starting Prizm Proxy server, make sure that Office Document converter (LibreOffice) installation base directory is specified correctly in the <prizm-install>\conf\ file, for example:

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# Office Document converter installation base directory


The following table summarizes the script's purpose:




Installs the Prizm Proxy Server services.


Starts the Prizm Proxy Server services.


Stops the Prizm Proxy Server services


Removes the Prizm Proxy Server services.

When executing the scripts, make sure your command line interpreter (cmd.exe) current path is <prizm-install>\scripts.

Starting & Stopping the PCC Imaging Services (PCCIS)

  1. Log onto the system using an account with administrator privileges.
  2. Launch the Internet Information Services Manager.
  3. Expand out the machine's Sites entry.
  4. Select Prizm Content Connect Service Web Site.
  5. Click Start, Stop, or Restart as required in the Manage Web Site tools.



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